Oh wow! My last post was more than one month ago! I think I should really start picking up blogging again. But I hate it when I have to think of stuff to write. But anyhoooosss..
For the past one month, many things have happened, good or bad. Let's see what are the major things.
BirthdayIt's my birthday on 8th Nov! As usual had dinners with my lovely friends, went on a casino cruise with Ah Mu Mu, received an awesome bag and a very cute card from best friend. *Mwahs*
ConfirmationI am off my probation period! Dream come true for 2 months probation! Plus I get bonus! Yippie! But I was just told to not have high expectations for bonus.
InkFinally got my very first ink. My name 'Wen' in white ink on my wrist. It's now flaking so it looks kinda gross. Can't wait for the next touch up.
RenovationMy house went for HDB upgrade so my house is in an absolute mess right now. There is no heater no proper toilet. I am so going to die. I've been going over to Ah Mu Mu place to shower before going home. So I've been going home bare-faced.
UnhappinessHad a major argument with my mum. And after this incident, I have learned how to think for myself more and just fuck everything else. I guess this wound will never heal. It hurts so much. I've never cried so hard before.
So as of now, life goes on as it is. The next upcoming event would be Christmas and I can't wait to spend it with Ah Mu Mu and my dear friends.
Work hard and play hard!
My very gross ink right after it is done.
12/10/2010 12:12:00 pm