I think I like my new job. I am currently working as a retail executive for one of the small shopping mall located in Orchard Road. Today is the second day and I feel extremely at ease. I guess it is the office environment and the culture. It is pretty much similar to my previous workplace, just of a smaller scale.
The advertising and promotion part piqued my interest and it is relevant to what I am currently studying.
As compared to previous job, my working hours rock despite having to work on certain Saturdays. If I am working half day on Saturday, my total working hours for the week will only be 41 hours! Minus 3 hours if I am not working on Saturdays! And I get to claim 70% of my mobile phone!
I can leave on the dot. I do not have meetings after work hours. We are allowed to Facebook during lunch hours. Awesome right?!
It is no doubt on how an office environment, culture and your interest can deeply affect your feelings towards work. When I was working as sales executive, I dread going to work despite trying hard to be positive, wanting to try something different. Then, I came to realize that there is no point in trying so hard because no matter how hard I have tried, I will still be unhappy.
Only downside? The location. :(